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Samuel Pepys
Elizabeth I
London's Underworld
Fleet Marriages.
The Cries of London

A choirboy from Worcester Cathedral was sent to London to audition for Mr Handel who was well known as a good judge of voice. The Boy sang. "Is this how you praise God in Worcester"?, Handel asked. "Yes Mr Handel", replied the boy. "God is Good", Handel replied, "and no doubt he will hear your praises in Worcester, but no man will hear them in London

-- George Frederik Handel

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This Section is: Elizabeth the First.
Following are the articles published under this section.

· Chapter 1.4 (1366 Reads) 
· Chapter 1.2 (1130 Reads) 
· The Strickland Biography: Title and portrait (1331 Reads) 
· Contents (1441 Reads) 
· Chapter 1.1 (1319 Reads) 
· Chapter 1.3 (1179 Reads) 
· Chapter 1.5 (1207 Reads) 
· The Proclamations of Elizabeth I: No. 1 (179 Reads) 

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